Transactions > Transactions - Information > Transaction Templates

Transaction Templates

Transaction templates are transactions you wish to save for later use.  Templates are useful for recurring transactions (such as monthly service charges or loan payments) or for difficult transactions that you may not do very often (such as your Co-op equity cheque).

To save a transaction template, set up your transaction as you normally do.  Do not record the transaction yet.

On the bottom right, beside the Save button, click Save as a transaction template.

Give your template a name.  The name must be unique.

Click Save template.  This will save the transaction for you to use another time.  This will also record the transaction for you automatically.

Next time you want to use this transaction, you can select the template at the top of the transaction screen.

Selecting the template will fill out the transaction screen with the information you had originally saved.  You can make any changes you want to (such as the date or reference).

If you need to update an existing template, you can make whatever changes you need to and click Save as a transaction template.  The template name will be filled out automatically, and you can save the updated template on top of the existing one.

Transaction templates are separated by type.  Any templates you create for withdrawals, for example, will not be available if you are entering a deposit.

Last updated on July 7, 2020 by FCC AgExpert